Jumat, 13 Januari 2012

Pengaruh Kesadaran, Asosiasi Dan Persepsi Kualitas Terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan

S E M A N G A T   P A G I................
Pagi yang indah..disela-sela kerja sempatin posting sebentar. Ada teman Phydi yang mau berbagi Skripsi nya, siapa tahu ada diantara teman-teman yang butuh buat refensi skripsinya. Kebetulan dia dari ITB, semoga bisa bermanfaat...

“The Influence of Awareness, Association, and Perceived Quality
Toward Customer Loyalty of J.Co”
NIM 19006112
Date of Final Examination (04/09/2009)
Date of Graduation (24/10/2009)
Undergraduate Program, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 2009
Thesis Advisor: Ir. Evo S. Hariandja, MM.

Awareness, Association, and Perceived Quality are the components of Brand Equity. Brand Equity is one of the assets which give its own value in the eyes of the customers. The help customers in translate, process, and store the information which associated with the product and the brand themselves. Meanwhile, customer loyalty is the company's activities to attract or create the prospective buyers or
establish a customer or loyal customers.

The objective of this study was to determine whether the Awareness, Association, and the Perceived Quality have a significant impact on customer loyalty. In order to know how much influence of Awareness, Association, and Perceived Quality toward customer loyalty, in this research is being used the factor analysis method, frequency analysis, and regression analysis. Frequency analysis carried out to obtain a picture of the respondent’s profile and to know the response from respondents for each variable. While factor analysis and regression analysis performed to determine the correlation between awareness, association, and perceived quality toward customer loyalty.
Based on research results, the value of the correlation between awareness, association, and perceived quality with customer loyalty is 0.648 with a coefficient of determination of 42%, which means that awareness, association, and perceived quality has an influence for 42% toward customer loyalty. While the results of analysis using multiple linear regression of the results obtained (CLoyal) =-5.2E- 017 + 0192 (Aware) + 0241 (Assoc) + 0311 (PQual), shows that the greatest contribution in influencing customer loyalty is perceived quality for 0.311. Based on the results of hypothesis testing, stated that the significance value for 0000 was less than 0.05, hence H0 refused and H1 accepted which indicate that awareness, association, and perceived quality affects customer loyalty.

Oh ya lupa ngasih tahu, Skripsinya dalam bahasa inggris. Gak tau artinya? Tanya sama Mbah google aja ya, hehehehe

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